Our Mission is to be able to express love. Our creations are beyond decorations, it brightens one’s day and enlightens one’s space on all occasions. “Bloom where you’re planted”
Our Vision is to be able to live one day at a time, to learn how to appreciate life through our creations. “A journey of thousand miles begins with a simple step”
Our Journey has begun back in January, 2019. We bring flowers every Sunday in one of the church ministries @ the Rockwell room of Affinia Hotel in New York City until pandemic happened. “If you focus on the hurt, you’ll continue to suffer, if you focus on the lesson, you’ll continue to grow”
Our Creations are inspired by Liv and Luv to uplift one’s spirit. Journey with us for your floral needs. Don’t just browse, click and be captivated by our creations. “Ups A Daisy”